首页> 外文OA文献 >Kajian Total Biomassa Rerumputan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Tata Air Tanah di Daerah Tangkapan Air Danau Toba. Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Silahisabungan Kabupaten Dairi

Kajian Total Biomassa Rerumputan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Tata Air Tanah di Daerah Tangkapan Air Danau Toba. Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Silahisabungan Kabupaten Dairi




The study on the total of biomass of grasses and it\u27s influences on soil moisture was conducted atSilahisabungan Subdistrict Dairi District, from November 2011 until February 2012. The objectiveof this research was to evaluate the effect of grasses to soil mositure. This study used survey methodwith purposive sampling. The result of this research showed that grass vegetation with rathersloping class total biomass 10,6 ton/ha, carbon reserve 5,3 ton/ha, field capacity 63,4 %, permanentwilting point 1,3 %, water content 62,0 % and permeability 7,5 cm/hours. In the undulating slopestotal biomass 7,1 ton/ha, carbon reserve 3,55 ton/ha, field capacity 51,6 %, permanent wiltingpoint 2,4 %, water content 49,2 % and permeability 7,6 cm/hours. In the rather steep slope totalbiomass 15,5 ton/ha, carbon reserve 7,75 ton/ha, field capacity 32,8 %, permanent wilting point 3,8%, water content 29,0 % and permeability 9,6 cm/hourd. In the forest vegetation with rather slopingclass, biomass total 7,54 ton/ha, carbon reserve 3,77 ton/ha, field capacity 150 %, permanent wiltingpoint 23,5 %, water content 126,5 % and permeability 10,3 cm/hours. In the undulating slopes totalbiomass 6,24 ton/ha, carbon reserve 3,12 ton/ha, field capacity 51,5 %, permanent wilting point 7,5%, water content 44 % and permeability 8,2 cm/hours. In the rather steep slope total biomass 8,86ton/ha, carbon reserve 4,43 ton/ha, field capacity 33,3 %, permanent wilting point 4,2 %, watercontent 29,2 % and permeability 11,25 cm/hours.
机译:2011年11月至2012年2月,在锡拉希萨邦安街道Dairi区进行了草的生物量总量及其对土壤水分的影响的研究。该研究的目的是评估草对土壤水分的影响。本研究采用有目的抽样的调查方法。研究结果表明,草坡植被总生物量为10.6吨/公顷,碳储量为5.3吨/公顷,田间持水量为63.4%,永久性枯萎点为1.3%,含水量为60.2%。和渗透率7.5厘米/小时。在起伏的坡面生物量为7.1吨/公顷,碳储量为3.55吨/公顷,田间持水量为51.6%,永久枯萎点为2.4%,含水量为49.2%,渗透率为7.6厘米/小时。在相当陡峭的斜坡上,总生物量为15.5吨/公顷,碳储量为7.75吨/公顷,田间持水量为32.8%,永久枯萎点为3.8%,水分​​为29.0%,渗透率为9.6厘米/小时。在坡度较高的森林植被中,生物量总计为7.54吨/公顷,碳储量为3.77吨/公顷,田间持水量为150%,永久性枯萎点为23.5%,水分为126.5%,渗透率为10.3 cm /小时。在起伏的山坡上,总生物量为6.24吨/公顷,碳储量为3.12吨/公顷,田间持水量为51.5%,永久性枯萎点为7.5%,水分为44%,渗透率为8.2厘米/小时。在较为陡峭的斜坡上,总生物量为8.86吨/公顷,碳储量为4.43吨/公顷,田间持水量为33.3%,永久枯萎点为4.2%,含水量为29.2%,渗透率为11.25厘米/小时。



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